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The Rescuers: Down Under (1991)

Daniel's Review

I enjoyed ‘The Rescuers’, so what was my thoughts when I saw ‘The Rescuers Down Under’ for the first time?




The sequel has a new setting, set in the Australian outback. For the first 20 minutes, we don’t even hear about our two small heroes from the previous film, and we don’t see them until they appear after the 20 minute mark. For a sequel, you’d think they get the most screen time, Bernard and Miss Bianca, but they don’t, strangely enough.


Sure there are new characters Cody and Frank, the others I forget what their names are, but there’s a talking kangaroo and koala. It felt like the two main heroes from the previous film, Bernard and Miss Bianca, were in 20 minutes of the whole 77 minute movie. Which was a bit disappointing, because again they are the most likeable characters in the movie.


The story is also a bit weak, it could have been a lot better.


The animation and the visuals are top-notch, one of Disney’s best animation work ever, especially the opening scene.


Wow! Speechless.


I was also a bit disappointed that there were no songs in this movie, like the previous film.


Overall, I enjoyed it, but it could have been a whole lot better.


Score: 6/10

Published: November 1st, 2013



Release Date: July 4th, 1991

Studio: Disney, Walt Disney Animation Studios

Runtime: 77 mins

Rated: G


Anchor 5

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