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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)

Daniel's Review

It’s back!


‘The Hunger Games’ has returned, but this time it is the beginning of the end for ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1’.


The film follows ‘Catching Fire’s abrupt ending of the District 12, Katniss’ home, destroyed by the Capital. Angered by the Capital’s actions, Katniss fights for the rebellion, which they are now called District 13.


‘Mockingjay: Part 1’ offers enough action, enough emotion and enough built-up for the upcoming ‘Mockingjay: Part 2’.


The film is mainly Katniss’ story, as she learns to adjust to the new world she’s living in, which is war that surrounds her and her world has been exposed to fear and corruption.


While ‘Mockingjay: Part 1’s story isn’t complete, because it is split into two parts, but the first part is mainly a set-up for next year’s finale and a great built-up it is. This first part reminded me of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ first part, as it teases you and sets up certain events, which will lead into next year’s second part.


Jennifer Lawrence easily steals the show, amongst a very talented cast of actors which include the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Donald Sutherland and Julianne Moore. Josh Hutcherson, who portrays Peeta, had his best performance to date in this film and even Liam Hemsworth brought some emotion to Gale, who now becomes more than a supporting character, as we learn more and his character grows in this first part.


The score is also thrillingly amazing.


‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1’ continues the series’ strong set of films, and this film is no different, as this film presents an extension of ‘Catching Fire’ and a prequel to ‘Mockingjay: Part 2’ in hopes this series will end on a high note, because ‘Mockingjay: Part 1’ is exciting, emotional and full of action and wonderful character building which makes ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1’ a must see movie going experience of the year.


Score: 9.4/10

Published: November 20th, 2014



Release Date: November 20th, 2014

Studio: Lionsgate

Runtime: 123 mins

Rated: M


Anchor 3

Nic's Review

I was one of the people greatly impressed by Francis Lawrence's take on 'The Hunger Games' franchise last year with the excellently exciting 'Catching Fire'. If anyone could turn what is widely considered Suzanne Collins' weakest book of the trilogy, 'Mockingjay', into another blockbuster gem it was Lawrence. And with 'Part 1' he has achieved just that.


While not quite scaling the heights of the second film, it is still leagues ahead of the novel it is based on in one key aspect above all else: the way it portrays its characters.


The conflict of the plot has ballooned into nation-wide proportions in this instalment; instead of the arena, the attention is focused on the civil war between the Capitol and the Districts of Panem. Despite this, Katniss is still at the heart of the story and the emotional fallout she experiences as she deals with the events of the past two films and this one are demonstrated well here.


On the other hand, her character development is slightly 'two steps forward, one step back' as she struggles to compose herself in situations she would have met with bravery in 'The Hunger Games'. While it may seem like a characterisation flaw, it is actually one of the most realistic reactions from a protagonist in any film this year. How would you react in Katniss' position?


Jennifer Lawrence is superb as always too but the entire ensemble can hardly be left out of the praise. Josh Hutcherson as Peeta surpasses his work in the first two films by miles with a third of the screen time. Liam Hemsworth as Gale is more subtle but gets to flex his acting muscle a little more this time around. Philip Seymour Hoffman steals every scene he is in while Donald Sutherland is the most terrifying President Snow we've seen yet. We don't see much of the supporting characters in 'Mockingjay-Part 1' though. It really does focus on Katniss and her relationship with the civil war at large.


And speaking of the civil war, this film depicts War as brutal, traumatic and inhumane, just as one imagines it would be but doesn't very often see. This elevates the film to a new level. There is no handholding. The themes and imagery of 'Mockingjay-Part 1' exceed the brutality of everything that came before. There is a lot of meaning to be drawn from this movie that couldn't possibly be explored in this short review but at its core, it's about the line between humanity and inhumanity and the extent to which people will break their own moral codes, even risk their own lives, for a greater cause, good or evil. I could go on about the score and the cinematography but they are just as fitting as in 'Catching Fire'.


The one gripe that I have with 'Mockingjay-Part 1' is hinted by its name. This didn't need to be split into two parts as 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' did. It would have been trimmable to a single film even if a slightly longer one. While Francis Lawrence's film does a fantastic job compensating for the slow nature of the novel's first half by adding extra scenes of the rebellion, it still feels like an incomplete film and only once 'Part 2' is released next year will we see the full film for what it should be. This is a minor issue though and 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay-Part 1' is still an excellent entry to a franchise that manages to maintain a consistent level of quality throughout.


Score: 8.8/10

Published: November 21st, 2014

Anchor 4

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