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Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Daniel's Review

Put the pedal to the metal for the latest release in the ‘Mad Max’ franchise.


Take this note: I did not see the previous three ‘Mad Max’ films, so I have no prior knowledge of this ‘Mad Max’ universe, and so I walked in to this film knowing nothing about this world, but having not seen the previous films, it isn’t hard to recognize how this world works.


In a post-apocalyptic world where gasoline and water are in short supply by a ruling king Immortan Joe. After being captured by the War Boys, Max joins the long ride as they chase Imperator Furiosa, who has taken five of King Immortan Joe’s wives, heading towards the East. From there, all hell breaks loose.


‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ is an action spectacle, surrounded by immense direction by George Miller and perfectly choreographed action, ‘Fury Road’ has the perfect blend of practical and visual effects, that is so rare to come by in feature films these days, reminiscing the past of 80’s fueled action.


The acting performances are mainly great, with the stand-out being Charlize Theron, providing the heart and emotion to the film, in an all-out action extravaganza.


The lack of a strong story could be the film’s downfall, as the story takes the backseat to its amazing high stakes action sequences, but even still, the characters have goals, instead of a solid long-term story. The film is set up from getting to point A to point B, and still, the film could have just delivered on action, and its fans would have still loved it.


The villain doesn’t have much character as I would have liked, and is mainly a secondary character to the Furiosa and Max show.


In the end, I had a really good time watching this film, as it feels like an arty blockbuster which I don’t think we’ve ever seen to this scale before, as it delivers on action, spectacle and visuals, with some heart and emotion somewhere in between.


‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ is a lovely day at the theatre, for fans and non-fans alike.


Score: 8/10

Published: May 18th, 2015



Release Date: May 14th, 2015

Studio: Warner Bros., Village Roadshow Pictures

Runtime: 120 mins

Rated: MA15+


Anchor 13

Rob's Review

Oh what a lovely day.


'Mad Max: Fury Road' is a sequel to the 1979 film 'Mad Max' directed by George Miller.


The movie takes place after some sort of atomic war, where water, food and fuel is scarce. A man by the name of Immortan Joe is in control of what is left of fuel, food and water and is a tyrant to his people.


This movie is an action packed ride of mayhem and excitement, while there is little dialogue, the action more than makes up for it.


The only real issue I had with this movie is that the story lacked a lot of depth. Max goes from point A to point B, then goes back to point A that’s about it, but with that being said and with the little dialogue we have, I still felt a connection with some of the characters which is a good thing.


Now let’s talk about what I liked about this movie. This movie's action mixed with a post-apocalyptic backdrop just made it something worth seeing. The weirdness and bizarreness of the film certainly made it an interesting movie to sit through.


The special effects in this movie was certainly one of the best features to it. I also liked that majority, if not all, of the cars in the movie where real, which for me created a more realistic view of the environment.


Overall this movie was truly a work of masterpiece, given that the story and plot was shallow, I really enjoyed this movie, and will be one I remember for a long time to come.


Score: 8/10

Published: May 21st, 2015

Anchor 14

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