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Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)

Daniel's Review

‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ is from director Matthew Vaughn, director of great films such as my two favourites ‘Kick-Ass’ and ‘X-Men: First Class’, which tells the story of Eggsy who wants to do more than stealing, he wants to do something good with his life, and so happens to meet up with Harry Hart (Colin Firth) who has sworn to protect his family after Eggsy’s father saved his life. From there, his world becomes a James Bond film, set in reality.


What ‘Kingsman’ does right is over-the-top entertainment, and the movie knows it. The direction is brilliant, with ravishing sets and well-stylised choreographed action sequences. Vaughn presents ‘Kick-Ass’ style of action, both stylised and choreography of the exciting action scenes, but takes the action in that film and goes over-the-top, in a fun and sort of surreal way. The way the film’s action is captured is a mix of ‘Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World’ and ‘The World’s End’, which are both directed by Edgar Wright, and after seeing this film, both directors share similarities in terms of story and action.


The acting is great, and one of my favourites so far this year. Colin Firth is excellent as secret Kingsman spy Harry Hart. Samuel L. Jackson is both terrifying and hilarious as the film’s villain Richmond Valentine. Taron Egerton’s character, Eggsy, and acting impressed me, as his character grew in the film to become the film’s interesting main protagonist. Also, Sofia Boutella did a brilliant job as Richmond Valentine’s henchman, Gazelle, while didn’t have much character development like the other characters in the film, Sofia Boutella still brought a great acting performance to the film, who could have been a forgettable henchman, but thankfully isn’t. And may I add, the film works with incredible chemistry.


‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ is at times a fun, spy film, but it is also a non-stop entertaining film, filled with great acting and action-packed sequences. It is a lot of fun, but it may not be everyone’s cup of tea.


Score: 8.5/10

Published: February 16th, 2015



Release Date: February 5th, 2015

Studio: 20th Century Fox

Runtime: 129 mins

Rated: MA15+


Anchor 10

Nic's Review

Wow! The totally unexpected joy of Matthew Vaughn's latest offering is simply unmissable.


First, however, it must be warned that his film can get surprisingly violent, even graphic, at times. It may seem odd to say that a violent, graphic film is joyful but that is exactly what 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' is.


Trailers have suggested its candy-coated, tongue-in-cheek spoofing of the British spy genre but it also has an edge to it that is much more 'Kick-Ass' than it is 'X-Men: First Class'.


Vaughn's obsession with comic book properties continues in this adaptation of Mark Millar's 'The Secret Service', which tells the story of teen troublemaker Eggsy who is selected by Harry Hart a.k.a Galahad, played by Colin Firth, to become a Kingsman secret agent. Lessons are to be learnt beneath its colourful coating but most apparent is the over-the-top cartoonishness of the whole film.


Everything from soundtrack and cinematography to characterisation and set design feels pulled from a comic book. Vaughn is a master of his self-invented genre by now and 'Kingsman' feels like a comic book movie in the most literal sense, as in it looks and sounds like a comic book as much as it is based off one.


The casting is great fun too. Colin Firth takes a surprising turn as gentleman action hero in a kind of role we've never seen him in before. More excitingly, Samuel L. Jackson's Richmond Valentine is the kind of bonkers megalomaniac villain that you could never see as the same guy who plays the badass Nick Fury or Mace Windu.


Many films have tried and failed at the teen spy angle but 'Kingsman' pulls it off all because it doesn't really care about its own success, its so busy enjoying itself. Too many spy movies are taken too seriously and flop as a result, whereas 'Kingsman' is the polar opposite of them all with its flamboyant, childish tone in what is undeniably a movie for adults.


It's hard to find a negative thing to say about 'Kingsman'. Perhaps it goes a little too over-the-top ridiculous towards the end. Perhaps. Seriously it's 'Kingsman's over-the-top ridiculousness that make it unique and a film I can see myself watching over and over again in the years to come.


Score: 9/10

Published: January 20th, 2015

Anchor 11

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