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Captain Phillips (2013)

Daniel's Review

Based on true events, ‘Captain Phillips’ is a masterful suspenseful thriller that literally gets you on the edge of your seat.


The film stars Tom Hanks as Richard Phillips as his ship gets taken by pirates.


The film is directed really well and almost feels very real.


Tom Hanks was the highlight of the movie, as this is probably his best acting performance for a very, very long time. So great, I’d tear up at the end. Great performance, he deserves an Oscar.


The rest of the cast was believable and the writing is spot-on, great dialogue all around.


There is a few missteps, like the running time is a little long, and the middle of the movie is a bit stretched out, but those are just little gripes I had with the film, overall, it’s a powerful thriller, drama film that is highly recommend seeing.


Score: 8/10

Published: October 27th, 2013



Release Date: October 24th, 2013

Studio: Columbia Pictures

Runtime: 134 mins

Rated: M


Anchor 11

Nic's Review

Hey, Academy, I'm here to tell you the race is over for Best Actor. Tom Hanks is the Best Actor. Always. Ever. We don't even need an Oscar category for it anymore. Just always give it to Tom.


But seriously, Hanks' performance as the eponymous captain in this amazing film is unbelievably believable and absolutely flawless. Go see it just to watch Tom Hanks if you have to.


But it's not just him. Every aspect of this film works seamlessly: the writing, editing, cinematography, score. All excellent. And you almost care as much about the antagonists as the protagonist thanks to some more fine acting on their part.


The suspense created by the marriage of these elements is unparalleled and I was literally hanging on the edge of my seat by the end.


The end result is a masterpiece that makes you question the clear cut boundaries of good and bad, responsible and reckless. Not to mention justice, trauma...I could go on.


All I know is that this was one of the best films of the year for me.


Highly recommended.


Score: 10/10

Published: October 28th, 2013

Anchor 12

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